Sunday, February 9, 2025

Poultry Today

MSU poultry expert given top recognition

MISSISSIPPI STATE, Miss. — Dr. Kelli Jones of Mississippi State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine has won the World Veterinary Poultry Association Young Veterinarian...

USDA food safety alerts available through state Twitter feeds

WASHINGTON — USDA's Food Safety & Inspection Service has launched a series of Twitter feeds that will provide state-specific, food safety alerts to consumers....

CFI to address hidden camera investigations

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The Center for Food Integrity (CFI) has created an Animal Care Review panel to examine hidden camera investigations at livestock...

Presidential McNugget sells for $8K

The Associated Press DAKOTA CITY, Neb. — Call it McWashington. A Nebraska woman has sold a three-year-old McDonald's Chicken McNugget that resembles President George Washington for $8,100...

Poultry groups applaud U.S. action against India

WASHINGTON — Poultry industry associations applauded the announcement by U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk that the U.S. would initiate dispute settlement proceedings against India...

Price Chopper Supermarkets recall fruit pies

SCHENECTADY, N.Y. — Price Chopper Supermarkets has issued a voluntary recall on its Price Chopper Bakery 5- and 8-inch apple, blueberry, cherry, and peach...

U.S. challenges India poultry ban at WTO

WASHINGTON  — The U.S. Government is requesting consultations with the Government of India under the dispute settlement provisions of the World Trade Organization (WTO) concerning...

Oklahoma Supreme Court overturns $10M Tyson verdict

The Associated Press OKLAHOMA CITY — The Oklahoma Supreme Court has overturned a $10 million jury verdict against Tyson Foods Inc. in a lawsuit brought...

PSA backs USDA proposal to modernize inspection system

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — The Poultry Science Association  has announced its broad backing of a government proposal to update federal inspection procedures in poultry processing facilities...

Foster Farms announces 3rd chicken cooking contest

LIVINGSTON, Calif. — The West Coast's premier Fresh Chicken Cooking Contest is inviting home, amateur and professional chefs to stir up locally-inspired cooking creativity...

Industry Headlines

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